Pros and Cons of Botox

Botox is the most famous brand of preparations based on botulinum, which is a neurotoxin of protein nature produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. The FDA approved the use of botulinum-based preparations for cosmetic purposes in 1989 and since then consumption has been growing every year, stopping at $4 billion a year. The number of consumers of the preparations in the U.S. is about 2-3 million people, of which 10 – 15% are men. Contrary to popular belief, preparations based on this substance are widely used for a wide range of medical tasks, not only in cosmetology. For example, drugs based on this substance are used to treat muscle spasms, excessive sweating and certain types of headaches. In this post I will write only about its use in cosmetology, where Botulinum toxin is used in the form of preparations under the names of Botox, Xeomin, Dsport, etc.

Pros and Cons of Botox

The volume of the drug used is usually measured in Units, less often called Toxicity Units. It is the volume that most often determines the cost of the procedure, although some specialists assign prices depending on the zone or problem to be solved. For example, in a clinic where I used to have a procedure for a long time, the cost is calculated at the rate of 350 rubles per unit and 16 units were spent. For each drug (Botox, Diaspora, etc.) units are different. 20 units of Disports and 20 units of Botox will not have the same effect.

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