Buy cannabis Windsor

Buy cannabis Windsor can have a range of short-term effects. Some are beneficial, but others are more concerning.

Some of the more desirable short-term effects include:

  • relaxation
  • giddiness
  • experiencing things around you, such as sights and sounds, more intensely
  • increased appetite
  • altered perception of time and events
  • focus and creativity

These effects are often minimal in products containing very high levels of CBD, compared with THC.

Buy cannabis Windsor

What does it look like?

Soft black resin, furry green leaves and hard brown lumps, cannabis can look very different depending on its type – but it all comes from cannabis plants.

You’re most likely to come across these types: 


Also known as grass, weed is made from drying out the leaves and flowering parts of the cannabis plant. It can look like dried herbs and is usually brownish-green in colour.


This is the name given for particular strains of grass that are very strong. Skunk’s become very popular in recent years and is often bright, pale or dark green in colour and covered in tiny crystals. 


Not nearly as common as it used to be, hash (or hashish) is made from the resin of the cannabis plant and can be black, brown, soft or hard – depending on the type. 

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